Corey Hamilton's Poetry

  • Duality

    Harsh realities hit bluntly, as people choose to remain blind and only gaze upon the lovely…

    But life’s ugly, at the heart of its beauty!

    Folks traverse the paths of leisure and ease, while to toil and struggle's their duty.

    Who’s duty?  Yours truly, take a peek into the looking glass…

    The knowledge possessed is vast, but you listen too slow and talk too fast.

    Thus your voice is disguised as the braying of an ass!

    In blissful ignorance you engulf yourself, but your logic is remiss,

    Because ignorance is only truly blissful to those who have the sense!

    The putrid stench of a delicious fragrance, fills the nose of the wealthy vagrant…

    Duality?  Hmm, pugnacious, the greatest battle of all Ages!

    Humanity, forever torn between heart and mind,

    Their earthly desire's and the Divine,

    Their nature and their design.

    Thus throughout Time, and its duration…

    Remains mankind, an uncivilized civilization!


    Written by: Corey Hamilton