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  • Of Thinking Blog #1

    Do you refuse knowledge because it does not go along with what you want to believe? This is called intentional ignorance. It is the basis of most prejudice and is a barrier to finding solutions to any...
  • Blog

    Blog   Currently the population of the IDOC is at an all time high. Our correctional system is designed for about 34,000.00 men and women, yet we have over 48,000.00 people in our prisons. This...
  • My Journey To Date

    Wanted to talk to you soon while for the things that I am doing while I am in prison to further my goals of changing the world by being positive force in ending the crime of the sexual abuse of childr...

      Have been keeping up with the Sandusky tragedy.  And something occurred to me, what is abuse?  I mean, I know what abuse is, but I wonder does everyone else.  To most of us, abu...
  • Blog

    I know I haven’t been keeping up with things lately.  That’s on me and it’s going to change from here on out.  Kind of lost myself for a little bit.  But I’m bac...
  • The Right Path

    I have talked about being reasonable and even understanding when it comes to dealing with sex offenders as I believe that this is necessary to start on the path to eliminating this crime.  Right ...
  • Cursing a Good Man

    Am going to talk about something different today.  Right now I am taking an American Literature class (1985-present).  In this class we have begun by talking about authors like Mark Twain an...
  • The Immediate Reactions

    Your immediate reactions following the knowledge that your child has been sexually abused can have consequences that affect the long-term healing of your child. When we learn something like this, our ...
  • Blameless

    The first thing that I heard when I was contacted by my victim (one of my child) was that she was having nightmares for the last ten years because she thought that I hated her and would come to get he...
  • Untitled

    Thought a lot about this entry and what I wanted to say.  In the last couple of months or so the issue of the sexual abuse of children has come to the fore.  Read at least 2 or 3 articles a ...